About Our Services
More Than A Gym looks at each child as a whole to treat from a medical, community, home and school-based perspectives, creating a more well-rounded and customized treatment plan.
Pediatric Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy are highly specialized fields, which not all offices are equipped to accommodate. Here, at More Than A Gym, we only work with the pediatric population…all components of it! We work with children of all abilities including, but not limited to: neurological diagnoses, orthopedic conditions, chromosomal disorders, low muscle tone (hypotonia), developmental delays, sensory processing disorder, vestibular dysfunction, dyspraxia, aphasia, apraxia, dysphasia, dysgraphia, feeding aversion, ocular motor difficulties, Autism, ADHD, etc.
We pride ourselves on staying up to date with the latest evidenced based practice/ research (i.e treadmill training, e-stim/ biofeedback, taping, Theratoging, mirror box therapy, NDT, ocular motor therapy, sensory diets, SOS feeding therapy, PROMPT therapy, ADL training, etc).
Physical Therapy
Pediatric Physical Therapy services address postural and motor control, balance and equilibrium skills, gait, muscular strength and endurance, range of motion and flexibility, orthotics and bracing, safety awareness, gravitational security, coordination skills, motor planning, and developmental milestones (i.e. Rolling, sitting up, crawling, walking, running, jumping, negotiating obstacles, balance, stair climbing, bike riding, throwing, catching, kicking, etc.).
Occupational Therapy
Pediatric Occupational Therapy services support and promote the achievement of independence with activities of daily living, the integration of sensory systems, self-regulation skills, upper body strength and function, feeding skills, handwriting skills, motor planning and praxis, body awareness and environment safety, bilateral coordination skills and balance, visual motor and visual perceptual skills, executive functioning skills, facilitation of developmental milestones and age-appropriate fine motor skills.
Speech Therapy
Pediatric Speech Therapy services includes intervention programs for the treatment of speech, receptive and expressive language, auditory processing, fluency, pragmatics, phonology, memory/ cognition, articulation, feeding and swallowing, tone in and around the mouth, managing secretions, strengthening oral motor muscles, communication devices, and behavior and social disorders at all levels of severity.
We provide services through Nassau, Suffolk & Queens Early Intervention and CSE, Nassau and Suffolk CPSE, private insurance and private pay.